Request For Proposals:
Wild Ones Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Grant Program (SFE)
Applications Due October 15
The Wild Ones Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Grant Program (SFE) gives small monetary grants to schools, nature centers, or other non-profit educational organizations for the purpose of establishing outdoor learning centers within the United States and Canada. The grant recipients are those which most successfully reflect the Wild Ones mission to educate and share information about the benefits of using native plants in our landscape and to promote biodiversity and environmentally sound landscaping practices.
Established by Wild Ones in 1996, the SFE Program honors Lorrie Otto on whose environmental philosophy Wild Ones mission is based. Money for the grant program comes almost entirely from donations from Wild Ones members and other benefactors. The grant program provides cash awards within the United States and Canada for child-centered projects that create native plant landscapes or develop outdoor classrooms.
To be considered for the annual award, non-profit groups such as schools, nature centers, houses of worship, or similar organizations must apply by October 15, 2009. Download an application form here. Notification of awards will be made by February 15, 2010.
Please note the guidelines require a signature from the local chapter, Niagara Falls and the River Region.
Recipients for the yearly awards will be chosen by the Seeds for Education judges, a volunteer panel of educators and naturalists. The SFE Nursery Partners, a select group of native nurseries and propagators, also donate seeds and plants to successful grant recipients.
Wild Ones Native Plants, Natural Landscapes is a not-for-profit environmental education and advocacy organization. The Niagara Falls and River Region Chapter (Wild Ones Niagara) mission is to create in Niagara Falls and the Niagara River region a sense of place through grassroots partnerships, advocacy, and education about regional native plants and natural landscaping with a focus on the restoration, preservation, and the protection of the botanically unique habitats of Niagara Falls, the Niagara gorge, and the Niagara River Region.
National Office:
Donna VanBuecken, Executive Director
Wild Ones Natural Landscapers Ltd
PO Box 1274, Appleton, WI 54912-1274
1-877-FOR-WILD (877-394-9453)t
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