Saturday, April 3, 2010

New York's Seaway Trail preened as world-class birding region -

New York's Seaway Trail preened as world-class birding region -

USAToday lists Niagara Gorge as premiere birding destination.

The Seaway Trail has the potential to rival renowned birding destinations such as Cape May, N.J., Chesapeake Bay's Delmarva Peninsula, and the World Birding Center in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, said Kara Lynn Dunn, publicist for the Seaway Trail.

"A lot of tourist locations are chasing this fast-growing market," said Pete Dunne, author of seven bird books and director of New Jersey Audubon's Cape May Observatory. One reason birding is growing in popularity is the aging of backpacking Baby Boomers, who are looking for a less strenuous way to engage in the natural world, Dunne said.

For tourism marketers, this is a valuable demographic.
An estimated 47.7 million birders in the United States spent about $45.7 billion on wildlife-watching in 2006, said Richard Aiken, a natural resources economist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who studies the economic value of wildlife-related recreation.

You can read the rest of the article HERE.

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